Feng Shui Tips To Build a Good Relationship with In-Laws

Are you worried about bad Feng Shui in your house (for example, sleeping with leg facing the windows, room within a room and some more) that might trigger the effect of extra-marital affair and 3rd person intervening into your marriage?

After applying all the remedies, you thought you are safe but there is another woman that is even a more formidable character that you can imagine. Yes, We are talking about the mother-in-law!

Over the years, it has been shown that there is an “exclusive” tension between wives and mother-in-law and it is especially true if they are staying together in the same roof. (if you are not one of them, congrats!)

Do you think Feng Shui can help to make life easy for such matter?

For those who are having such unhappy issue, you should begin by changing your attitudes and mindset to build good relationship with your mother-in-law. If you do not wish to change, there is so much Feng Shui can help and mostly probably, there will be no changes at all.

Feng Shui tips for a Good in-law relationship

1. Take care of your South-West sector of your house – SW sector represent the Female owner of the house so it will be good to light up this area by either using a lamp or himalayan salt lamp and make sure that it is clutter-free.

2. Also place 2 crystal balls in the SW corner –  Placing 2 pink crystal at this sector will enhance your relationship luck.

3. Dressing table is a MUST – In the recent years, it seems like many people has forgo having a dressing table in their bedroom due to space constraint. A dressing table symbolise the status and relationship luck of the female owner and it should not be under the air-con or beam.