Category Archives: Physiognomy

  • Face Reading Tips to Keep Yourself Away From Villains 小人

    Face Reading Tips to Keep Yourself Away From Villains 小人

    In our journey of life, it is good to know some fsce reading tips because we bound to meet a lot of people ranging from close friend to even your loved ones. Inevitably, we will meet some people who bring troubles and disrupt your life and we called them…



    Know Your Marriage and Love By Just Looking At Your Palm Do you want to know your love relationship by just palm reading marriage lines? Check Out Your Both Palms and See the Result Now! 1. The Same Height Intelligent and organized. You always ensure that everything you do…



    Where can you find your wrist lines? – They are located at the intersection point between palm and wrist. Based on some fortune tellers, you can actually decipher your luck in life by looking at them, so read on to uncover if you will live a wealthy life or good fortune.…

  • 3 Types of Chins That Bring You Prosperity and Longevity

    3 Types of Chins That Bring You Prosperity and Longevity

    3 Types of Chins That Bring You Prosperity and Longevity How to Generate Positive Energy The ancient Chinese believed that positive energy could bring prosperity, life, and immortality. It is said that the “chins” (or palms) of people in a prosperous region would have a red hue, whereas those…

  • Lucky Moles on Body and Their Interpretation

    Lucky Moles on Body and Their Interpretation

    It is very normal to find moles appearing on various parts of your body, from head to toes, but the moles embody different meanings in specified position, so let’s look at which are the lucky moles on your body and see how many do you have. 6 Moles on…