House Cleansing For A Good Feng Shui Home
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House cleansing of our space play a very important role in creating a good Feng Shui home as Feng Shui is all about harnessing good energy, also know as “Chi”. We are trying to use this process to replace the old or stagnant energy with the rejuvenating and positive new energy. Beside bringing a positive changes to your home, it also benefit your physical and mental well-being.
It is recommended to perform a house cleansing at least once a year, mostly during the Chinese New Year period. There are also other situations that you can clear the negative energy too.
When You Should Use Home Cleansing?
1. Moving into a new house to clear the energies belong to the previous owners
2. Occupants in the household are having too much arguments and disagreement
3. Feeling Down on luck and facing obstacles in whatever you do.
4. The beginning of a new year to welcome new and positive energy for the upcoming year
5. If you sense any unwelcome presence in the house
6. After unhappy events like divorce, miscarriage, passing on of family members and others
What are the Different methods of Home Cleansing?
1. Buring Sage Cleansing
Burning sage is one of the most effective methods to clear away negative energy that is accumulated in your home. Open the windows inside your home. Similarly to the benefits of the Himalayan lamp, the burning sage also release a negative ion into the air that can cleanses a space naturally.

How to use a burning sage?
– After lighting up a sage, you need to walk the perimeter of the room, covering all corners and tracing the outline of the room and this process continue until you have cover the whole house.
– If your sage kit come with a feather, wave it to smoke the area that you want to.
– After covering all areas, you can leave it outdoor.
– Lastly, you should burn something with a Sweet scent to fill the space with sweetness.