Recent statistics suggest that 40% of women (in an increasing trend) and 60% of men at one point indulge in extramarital affairs. By putting all these numbers together, it is estimated that 80% of the marriages will have one spouse at one point or another involved in marital infidelity so beside knowing the tips to Feng Shui a happy marriage, you might also be interested in learning the secrets to avoid extra marital affair by leverage on geomancy.
6 Feng Shui Tips to Prevent Extra Martial Affair
1. Do not place any flowers, particularly thorny roses at your bedside because it will affect your relationship.
2. Do not sleep in basement room. In the recent years, a lot of people like to position their bedroom in the basement to be more secluded, but this is a bad Feng Shui because the space in the basement tends to attract ying qi which will cause imbalance in your energy. In the long run, if you spend too much time there, it tends to attract third party interference or even cause infertility.
3. Do not have beams above your bed as it causes stress and tension to couple sleeping below and cause argument that will hurt the relationship. Eventually, the relationship of the couple will be devastated and might lead to divorce .
4. Do not place 2 beds in the master bedroom because it symbolize a 3rd party in your relationship.
5. Do not use mirrors in your master bedroom because it causes confusion and suspicion between the couples.
6. 房中房 (room inside a room) design should not be considered in your bedroom because it symbolize that one of the party might have another family outside.
Believe it or not! Just avoid these Feng Shui taboos to have a happier marriage.